Craig (Ando) has trained my boys for the past 7 or 8 years. When we first heard Craig was available for coaching, I didn’t think it was possible to get someone with his experience to train Wilson, Huwan and Darcy. But after their first session, I realised he was not only passionate about MX racing, he was also smart and funny too.
Ando has taken our boys from being very average riders, to racers that are competitive in just about any field. Craig has the ability to find the best in each of the kids he trains, and I believe you would be hard-pressed to find another coach (anywhere) who has so much technical knowledge and the ability to explain difficult techniques to junior riders.
I’d recommend Ando to any parent with junior riders who would like their kids to learn to be faster in a safe environment with plenty of laughs thrown in. We have enjoyed every minute of our time training with Craig (and Katrina) and now consider them part of our family.

The Medcalfs
As a beginner in my 30's, I was keen to learn the fundamentals from the get-go. It's intimidating hitting a moto track crowded with riders, all roaring past, I found it difficult to concentrate on the skills needed to improve.
A few sessions with Ando and I found a rhythm that allowed me to progress to the next level and ride much faster in all sections of the track. These skills have been super handy when hitting enduro sessions with my mates too.
I'm always looking forward to another session with Ando.

Tristan Byrne
Corners were my nemies. I was pretty quick in the straights (who isn't - ha?), good over all the jumps, even quick with a solid berm. But tight corners were my downfall. A few sessions with Ando and I was so much faster around the track. I have shaved signifiact seconds off my laptime. I'm also so much quicker with my general riding and bush bashing with my mates. Cheers Ando!
